A Brony Tale
The principles of love, generosity, honesty, loyalty, laughter, kindness, friendship, even among those you may disagree with, searching for the truth, and personal responsibility are abundant in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and those principles are adopted by the Bronies . . . the teenage and adult, mostly male, fans of My Little Pony! When Ashleigh Ball, voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, landed two of the lead roles on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", she never expected she'd become a celebrity among the Bronies . . . but when Ashleigh gets an invitation to be a guest at the 2012 BronyCon in New York, she's taken on a journey she never expected to have. Featuring many different Bronies from many different walks of life, this Brent Hodge directed documentary shows us that friendship truly is magic!
90min / April 22, 2011
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Morgan Spurlock
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